Elements & Observations
-Use of Space-- Crammed, Overlapping, Full
-Objects-- Bizzare, Varied, Death
-The Couple-- Mysterious, Eerie Clothing, Old Fashioned
-Design-- Unorganized, Very Abstract, Fragile
In this couple's apartment in Brooklyn, New York, their unique use of space, bizzare furnishings, and abstract design expresses a sense of limitless creativity and an inability to let possessions go. The whole apartment is coated with unusual finds, paintings, and antique materials that leave very little room for leisure and create the feeling of the apartment being rather fragile. A disturbing factor being that many of the strange objects resemble death or dead animals, which leaves viewers with a feeling of unsettlement. Also, the couple's old fashioned outfits and mysterious looks bring forth a rather eerie feeling to the apartment as well. The crammed design and furnishings of this apartment may peak the interest of many people, but for me it makes me feel as if I stepped foot into an Edgar Allen Poe horror story.
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