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Thursday, February 9, 2012

Spartan Reader Post #2 y'all

While surfing the internet a few days ago I fell upon a website called http://www.walltowatch.com/, a website that is pure heaven for a mind that longs to be intrigued. Included in this website are numerous photo collections and videos that present the most fascninating and surrealistic ideas to the brain, as if it existed for nothing but a pure rush of excitement. The specific photo collection that came to peak the most interest in my mind; however, was a photo collection of book sculptures. Odd? Indeed, but mindblowing.

Every scultpure from the collection is carved out of many books either stacked on top of eachother or placed side by side to one another. The landscapes and architechure expressed in each photo creates a smooth sense of serinety and relaxation, almost mystifying to a certain extent. Books with rather plain and boring appearances are used in such excercises, but are then turned into such beautiful masterpieces. It's like the artist had intentions of showing how he can turn such dull and plain objects into something that is absolutely magnificent, almost as if there is a beautiful potential in all boring aspects of life.


  1. Good job with the inferences and really describing the collection with words from the sheet.

  2. That is really crazy I can't imagine the amount of time and work you'd have to put in to create such a sculpture. Your inference on it creates a good image and your perspective.

  3. Theses pictures and sculptures are so cool! Your inferences did well to make the masterpieces even better

  4. I like this blog a lot, I can tell without a doubt that this blog is made by a guy. I mean, it is so manly. There isn't anything girlie about it.

  5. I am left speechless after reading this post. The person who published such a wonderful submission must be intelligent beyond belief, to an unfathomable extent.
